Web Services

Pixie-Box has a comprehensive list of professional services available:

WordPressWoocommerceWP-CoursewareHostingTrainingTech Clinic

Website Services


Pixie-Box run an end to end service from establishing the domain and hosting right through to the layout design, assisting you with the content and then supporting you with the launch and beyond.

We can provide plugin advice and install them along with the necessary set-ups and integrations you might need to make the best use of them.

Training is included for Blogging and general navigation of the dashboard and basic editing, so you can do the basics yourself.

Afterall this is your website, your business – you have the power to do this!

I ensure the your site runs healthy, backed up and up to date.

Pricing Starts from: £900
(Flexible Payment options Available)



Pixie-Box will create your online Woocommerce store for you. Then assist you with the product content and then supporting you with the launch and beyond.

We walk you through all the settings for payment gateways, shipping costs and the one-time setups.

Training is included for Product Entry, Dealing with orders and We are on hand to call on as you progress with your store for any issues that you might come across.

Although we don’t do data entry, We can support you in finding the best option for getting your data imported and integrated into your shop.

Pricing Starts from: £1200
(Flexible Payment options Available)


Pixie-Box are fully liscensed installers on WP Courseware.

We Install and configure WP-Courseware to create a seamless experience in your wordpress website, merging your existing branding onto the Course set-up.

The system will be set up with your preferred payment gateways and other requirements.

We also provided training on how to create your own courses, this is geared towards your own style of learning.

Pricing Starts From £1500
(Flexible Payment options Available)


Web Hosting

WordPress & Linux Unlimited Use Sustainable Hosting

  • from £10 per month
  • Domains Starting from £6.99 Per Year
  • Domain Email using Roundcube inc in All Hosting plans
  • Free to transfer from existing provider.


    • On Any Software, Any Procedure
    • Can be provided in any format that suits your learning style –
      • Video,
      • Written (Step-by-Step),
      • Written with Visuals. 

    • Ongoing Support Plans – 
      • For if you regularly hit stumbling blocks with software in your business.
      • These are a Bespoke Service and are priced and designed to fit your needs like a one-one training course.
    • High Demand Support Calls
      • Complete the Call form with Details of issues
      • Spend one hour Troubleshooting over zoom
      • Whether its a misbehaving Website, a calendar that won’t stop double booking you. 
      • We can sort it together!

    “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

    Nicola Reynolds

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